
Certified Cross-Border Tax Practitioner (CCTP)

Course Description:

The Certified Cross-Border Tax Practitioner (CCTP)® is a professional title given to tax experts like accountants and tax attorneys who work in accounting or auditing firms, or in company tax departments. There are no limits on the types of tax work a Certified Cross-Border Tax Practitioner (CCTP)® can do as long as they're skilled at it. Tax consultants, also called tax advisors, are specialists in tax laws, planning, and compliance. They don't just prepare tax returns; they also work closely with clients all year to minimize their tax obligations. Getting certified can lead to great job opportunities or a successful career as a VAT consultant.

$ 800.00 $ 500.00

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Certification Overview

The Certified Cross-Border Tax Practitioner (CCTP)® is a professional title given to tax experts like accountants and tax attorneys who work in accounting or auditing firms, or in company tax departments. There are no limits on the types of tax work a Certified Cross-Border Tax Practitioner (CCTP)® can do as long as they're skilled at it. Tax consultants, also called tax advisors, are specialists in tax laws, planning, and compliance. They don't just prepare tax returns; they also work closely with clients all year to minimize their tax obligations. Getting certified can lead to great job opportunities or a successful career as a VAT consultant.

E-Course Duration: 20 to 25 Hours

Exam Information

  • Tests are taken online and supervised using a webcam and a stable internet connection.

  • Exams are done online and supervised using a webcam and a dependable internet connection.

The exam lasts for 1 hour, which is the same as 60 minutes.

  • During the exam through ProctorU, you can't use any outside sources for information. They'll give you more details about what materials you're allowed to use, like your ID.

  • If you don't pass the exam on your second try, you have to wait at least fourteen days before you can try again for the third time or any time after that. You can take the exam as many times as you need.

  • The Certified Cross-Border Tax Practitioner (CCTP)® certification never expires.

  • CCTP® is a Registered Trademark of GIPMC.

Passing the CCTP® exam will also give candidates 30 Learning Hours and 4 Credits toward an MBA in Finance (Master’s Degree) from Charisma University.

  • The CCTP® Certification doesn't require any prerequisites (You don't have to complete an E-Course from the GIPMCBok portal), but we suggest taking the E-Course because many questions in the exam are based on it.

Course Outline

Module 1 - Taxation Revenue Authorities and Ethical Issues

    • The Objectives of Taxation
    • The Classification of Taxes
    • The Principles of an Ideal Tax System
    • Traditional Approaches
    • Introduction to Tax Administration
    • Taxing Power

Module 2 – Industrial Development

    • Personal Income Tax
    • Companies Income Tax
    • Industrial Development
    • VAT
    • Capital Gain Tax Act
    • Education Tax Act
    • Stamp Duties Act
    • Custom and Excise Duties Management

Module 3 - Revenues Power of Enquires

    • Filing Requriments
    • Assessments
    • Collection Procedures
    • Government Assessment
    • Collection Section
    • Monthly Tax Reconciliation
    • Ethical Issues

Module 4 – Tax Audit and Investigation

    • Foundation
    • Tax Audits
    • Tax Audit Branch
    • Types of Tax Audit
    • Types of Tax Process
    • Audit Checklist
    • Post Audit Meetings
    • Final Audit Reports
    • Types of Audit Exersise
    • Technical Procedures
    • Audit Programme
    • Tax Investigations
    • Stages of Tax Investigations
    • Intelligence Division
    • Civil Investigations Unit
    • Criminal Investigations Unit
    • Intelligence Investigations Unit
    • Assessments of Investigations Unit

Module 5 – Tax Appeal Tribunal and Tax Laws

    • Constitution of a Tribunal
    • Jurisdiction of Tribunal
    • Criminal Prosecution
    • Types of Tax Audit
    • Appeals of the Service
    • Definition of Trade

Module 6 – Tax Planning and Tax Avoidance

    • Tax Planning
    • Tax Avoidance
    • Tax Evasion
    • Types of Tax Audit
    • Communication with Clients
    • Communication with other Stakeholders

Module 7 – Taxation of Incomes, Offences and Penalties

    • Tax Legalisation
    • Income Tax Returns
    • Foreign Employment
    • Chargeable Persons
    • Chargeable Incomes
    • Types of Incomes
    • Exempt Incomes
    • Exempt Incomes
    • Benefits in Kind of Perquisites
    • Non-Taxable Allowances
    • Reliefs
    • Offences and Peanlties
    • Minimum Tax
    • Tax Tables
    • Taxation of Income from Partnership

Module 8 – Value Added Tax

    • Useful Definitions
    • Withholding Tax
    • Value Added Tax
    • Goods and Services Exempted from Tax
    • Input Vat
    • Vat Returns
    • Exempt Incomes
    • Adinistration of VAT

Module 9 – Capital Allowances

    • Qualifying Ependiture
    • Assets Acquired
    • Plant, Machinery and Fixtures
    • Plantations
    • Allowances
    • Leasing Assets
    • Capital Allowances Rates

Module 10 – Capital Gains Tax

    • Objectives of Capital GainTax
    • Administration of Capital GainTax
    • Allowable and Dis-allowable Expenditure
    • Computation of Chargeable Gains
    • Exemptions from Chargeable Gains

Module 11 - Remaining Modules

    • Module 11 – Tax Effects of Privatization and Commercialization
    • Module 12 – Profits, Accessible Profits and Tax Payable
    • Module 13 – Pioneer Legislation
    • Module 14 – Petroleum Profits Tax
    • Module 15 – Stamp Duties
    • Module 16 – Tax Planning and Management


Target Audience

Target Audience

  • Tax Consultants
  • Accountants
  • Tax Accountants
  • Business Ownsers
  • VAT Consultants
  • Finance and non-finance officers involved in handling tax issues

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