
Certified Product Owner in Agile (CPOA)

Course Description:

The Product Owner (PO) is a key member of the Agile Team who acts as the voice of the customer. They work closely with Product Management and other stakeholders to decide on what needs to be done first in the Team Backlog, ensuring that the Solution meets the program's priorities and stays technically sound. Ideally, the Product Owner is part of the team, sharing management, incentives, and culture. They also attend important Product Management meetings to plan and refine the backlog and vision. The Certified Product Owner in Agile (CPOA)® Certification focuses on using the Scrum product backlog to make projects successful. As a Certified Product Owner in Agile (CPOA)®, you'll see the product evolve with each iteration and learn how to adapt to changes in business conditions by adjusting the product backlog. You'll also learn how to recognize and end unsuccessful projects early on, often within the first few months. This certification equips you with what you need to succeed

$ 500.00 $ 250.00

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Certification Overview

The Product Owner (PO) is a key member of the Agile Team who acts as the voice of the customer. They work closely with Product Management and other stakeholders to decide on what needs to be done first in the Team Backlog, ensuring that the Solution meets the program's priorities and stays technically sound. Ideally, the Product Owner is part of the team, sharing management, incentives, and culture. They also attend important Product Management meetings to plan and refine the backlog and vision. TheCertified Product Owner in Agile (CPOA)® Certification focuses on using the Scrum product backlog to make projects successful. As a Certified Product Owner in Agile (CPOA)®, you'll see the product evolve with each iteration and learn how to adapt to changes in business conditions by adjusting the product backlog. You'll also learn how to recognize and end unsuccessful projects early on, often within the first few months. This certification equips you with what you need to succeed with Agile & Scrum practices. To understand the responsibilities of a product owner, start by figuring out what they are in charge of. Is it a whole product, a specific feature, or a component? While this might seem like a simple question, it can be tricky to answer. In some companies, there isn't a clear understanding of what a product entails. This leads to confusion about who is responsible for what, with people overseeing features or components mistakenly being called product owners.

E-Course Duration: 20 to 25 Hours

Exam Information

  • The test has 40 multiple-choice questions. To pass, you need to get 70% of them right, which means you have to answer at least 28 out of 40 correctly.

  • Tests happen online, and someone watches you through a webcam to make sure everything is fair. As long as you have a good internet connection, you can take the tests from anywhere and whenever you want.

  • The exam lasts for 1 hour, which is the same as 60 minutes.

  • You can't use any outside information during the exam with ProctorU. Make sure you have your ID with you.

  • If a candidate doesn't pass the exam on their second try, they have to wait at least fourteen (14) days before they can try again for the third time or any time after that. You can take the exam as many times as you need to.

  • The Certified Product Owner in Agile (CPOA)® never expires.

  • CPOA® is a special symbol that belongs to GIPMC.

  • N/A

  • Getting the Certified Product Owner in Agile (CPOA)® Certification doesn't require you to do anything beforehand (like completing an E-Course from GIPMCBok portal), but we strongly suggest doing the E-Course because many questions on the real exam come from it.
  • CPOA® is a unique symbol owned by GIPMC.

Course Outline

Module Information - 1

    • Module 1 - Understanding the Product Owner Role
    • Module 2 - Envisioning the Product


Module Information - 2

    • Module 3 - Working with the Product Backlog
    • Module 4 - Planning the Release

Module Information - 3

    • Module 5 - Collaborating in the Sprint Meetings
    • Module 6 - Transitioning into the Product Owner Role

Target Audience

  • Product Owner and Product Managers 
  • Scrum Masters
  • Project Managers
  • Team Leaders 
  • Business Analysts 
  • Developers, Testers & other technical team members

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